Welcome to Life-Changing, by Design, an evening in support of Easter Seals Camp Shawnigan.
Our second annual Gala promises to be one of the most entertaining and memorable experiences of the summer—not to mention rewarding.
We’re bringing together the who’s-who in business, politics, sports and entertainment on Vancouver Island along with the Times Colonist Victoria Open and PGA Tour Americas to empower children and youth living with disabilities.
Set in the beautiful Victoria Inner Harbour, you’ll enjoy stunning views and great hospitality as you experience local entertainment and dine on an amazing three course meal. You can also win great prizes and bid on unique and exciting auction items.
This is a great opportunity to build your brand locally, network with clients and other industries, team build or simply escape the stress of the office and life for an evening.
No matter your reason, you will take something away from the experience and more importantly, and you will change someone’s life.